Saturday, November 19, 2016

Happy Birthday

It was around this time last year that I laid some Core Cell form on the garage floor and, forgetting to use some wax paper underneath, proceeded to epoxy it to the concrete. It was the start of a long, frequently enjoyable, sometimes challenging, but alway fascinating project.

Things have been winding up here at the Marland Boat Shop.  I may actually get my parking spot back for my truck just before winter.  There are only a few things left to do - all on hold until my oars arrive - the final fitting of the foot rest and footbar, and shaping and gluing the seat.

And the leather wrapping of the oar shafts, plus the custom painting of the oars, to match the color scheme of course.

Today, Huerfano's birthday was celebrated with installation of her seat cushions - custom made to size and with room for the seat drainage holes by Jason at Wet Dreams Supply in Flagstaff.

Now it's time to start planning the permit selections and hope for some rivers to take her down next year.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.