Sunday, January 24, 2016

Money Cuts

Not my line. I got the expression from Andy but am all in on the concept.

Last night, after looking at the upright boat each evening after I got home late from work I finally decided it was time to step up and cut the transom and do the final trim on the bow post.

Bow post first.

Halfway into the cut on the port side my old Porter Cable jig saw, with very poor timing, decided to give up the final ghost. The old style blade collet broke and it seems there are no replacement ones avail any more. Unless maybe I take a trip to Liberty Tools again in Maine to dig through their antique tool collection (see "Tools of the Trade"). 

So it was off to Home Cheapo for a new jig saw. Another Makita, of course. I did look at the DeWalt but didn't like the way it felt in my hand.  Same price and same features.

I briefly considered the cordless version, but recalled I have a bad habit of not recharging at the end of a job and didn't want to consider the other alternative which works for my cordless screwdriver collection - owning several of them. 

The bow post shaping went fine. I followed the jig saw cuts with my (Makita) multi tool. (Maybe I should be looking for some sponsorship here on the blog at the MBS???)

Love that tool but really pay attention to the blade. It's out there with no protection. While I keep thinking it reminds me of the oscillating cast saws (you know the ones you can put against your skin with no cuts) I'm thinking any contact will come out differently.  

Then a little finish work with the RO sander. For now I've left it with a shallow arch shape to match the transom, but have not made a final decision. May make it flat.  All that's left up front is to fill in the Core Cell foam I cut out b/w the glass layers with some resin/Cabosil and then some final trim work and flow coat.

On to the transom. You may recall from earlier posts, this has been an ongoing concern. 

And of course it turned out to be no big deal. Asst boatman, Kevin, scribed the line while I held the batten in what looked to be a pleasing shallow arc. And then I cut just outside it with the new jig saw. To match the angles where it meets the side panels, the cut also has an approx 30 degree bevel. Also no issue with the new jig saw. Love that tool too.

Then I smoothed the final shape with my sander. I haven't decided if I'm going with this arch or make it a little shallower. Doing some online research and just looking at it for a few days.

I still have some more transom work cutting out the removable piece for a motor mount and adding some 1/4" plywood lams on each side to hold it in place. 

But, big relief. My wife said I was acting "jolly" when she got home. 

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